You may have heard how nustilo has revolutionized the internet for small and medium sized business with our “outside of the box” turn key systems. And as great as they are, businesses sometimes have a unique concept or market for which our turnkey solutions don’t fit. In these cases we work on custom solutions. Our talented team of producers, designers and developers will enable you to take your business to the next level.
This is a general overview of how our custom design and development process works. Every custom site solution is unique so the process can vary.
At our initial meeting with you (in person, conference call, web meeting), we will discuss your goals for the web site (ex. Increase sales, increase lead generation, improve efficiency, etc) In addition to goals, we will review your ideas for how your foresee your site looking and interacting with your customers. Next we will review your current marketing efforts (on and offline) After laying the ground work, our producers will discuss a set of options for your custom web site presence.
Once the options are reviewed and decided upon, our team will get to work. The designers will create a layout and the developers will create the initial functionality.
This will then be presented to you as the "beta" version. Our producers will then demonstrate the beta version to you. We will then take your feedback regarding the design and user experience and our team will further refine the site to a more polished “alpha” version. This will result in another review and round of changes with your nearly completed site, we will do a final round of testing and tweaking.
Next is your site launch. The exciting moment when the time and planning finally pays off and you have the internet presence you had previously only dreamed of!
The internet is not static but always changing. So you may find that you need to make slight adjustments to your site in the future. And we will be there for you, as we offer maintenance and further upgrades to your site as well.